Every year the same topic, at the start of spring: losing weight! We are overwhelmed with the covers of lifestyle magazines bombarding us with the best tipps & tricks for our perfect figure. Ranging from pineapple detox programmes, over to food combining diets until we end up counting our Weight-Watchers points every day.
The short film „How to lose Weight in 4 easy Steps“, shows us how to get rid of these problems in simple steps. Such as; by reducing alcohol (step 1) or by controlling the portion sizes (step 2), but most importantly is the third step: lovesickness! That one sickness that can break your heart into the smallest of pieces – and also your stomach size!
Lose weight – find love
This lovely staged tutorial from filmmaker Benjamin Berman shows us, how you can get out of the lovesickness rut and at the same time loose the extra weight. With the new found love for yourself you’ll be up in no time finding your next conquest – step by step. Such a piece of cake!
Translation: Aimée